For those of you who are far far away from Chennai..
Hear me, Hear me~ It rained today !!
Yes it did :) finally Chennai received her summmer quota of rains after a dry spell which seemed to last forever ! It was wonderful, the smell of earth, the soft breeze, cool drizzle..However I was amused to see many bikers pull over and stand along the road, pavement, under the trees to keep off the rain!
How ungrateful ! This is so typical of the saying ~
"As a rule man is a fool , when its hot he likes it cool , when its is cool he likes it hot, always wanting what is not "
As for me needless to say I got drenched head to toe (purposefully) by the time I reached home and had an amazing cup of Amma's KAPPI .
My Maa makes the world's best "Filter Kappi |
So all the caffeine in my
Kappi and rain in my city made me want to sit down and write something beautiful, however my bird brain did not cooperate with me to pen down an
Odyssey, instead here is a slice of my life-love notes to my fellow passengers with whom I commute everyday in the ever-crowded electric train while I travel to & from work..
(Words in italics are my mind voice :P ensoiii)
Dear Fellow Passenger
To the girl with allergic sneeze ~
Bless you !! & Thank you for sharing your germs with us, please remember to sneeze into your hankie next time! :)
To the lady selling roasted peanuts ~ Women! Seriously! Do we look like we can eat, digest or even hold a pack of peanuts now?
To the Amway guy making random hits and misses at everyone (including the blind beggar and his Mrs.) No I don’t want to become Ambani over night if I change my mind I ll inform you or better still jump off LIC :))
To the blind beggar – Are those really Rayban glasses? Whoa! Your style quotient is better than me:P
To the iPod freak ~ He he I know you got it from Burma Bazaar, P.S. My maid servant has a better version than you! Hah!
To the teen girl reading M&B with a sly smile & dreamy eyes ~ Your prince is not coming on a white horse honey, for all I know he probably took the wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions! Oh well! :D
To the Poo kaari (flower seller) who keeps looking at my hair while persuading everyone to buy POO ~ Well NO THANK YOU& No I m NOT wearing a Souri/Wig!
To the lady with the wailing baby – Errrrr so do babies come with 'sound-mute' buttons ?
To the uncle with dander on his head, shoulders and shoes~ Thank you uncle for spreading sunshine oops! Sorry star dust & moonlight with all of us :D
To the ticket inspector who thinks he/she is Vijayshanthi/Vijaykanth ~
Ennna Maa kannu Sowkiyammaa? (Hey How you doing?) :P