Today was a regular day at work>>> I came in, log on and went about my activites and i m stuck with doubts somewhere I resort to my friend/ philosopher and helper at work >>GOOGLE.
Today's google doodle looked like fresh peas scattered on my screen and just when i thought they 've gone nuts i hovered my cursor over the pea pods it indicated it was Gregor Mendel's 189th Birthday today!
For those of u who feel you ve heard of him but can't remember who he was.. Gregor Medel is
- The father of MODERN GENETICS
- Path breaker/ Pioneer in his field
- Best lesson to the World on perseverance
- My personal hero :) he was introduced to me by my high school Botany teacher
Mendel was born to a simple peasant family in 18th century, entered priesthood early in life, although a mathematician by education he was a passionate gardener, in fact it was application of his math skills that helped him with Laws of inheritance (later known as Mendel's laws of inheritance).
Mendel's discovery about the traits of inheritance was way ahead of his times, in other words no one really understood or appreciated his work in his time when he was alive. However he went about documenting his work with great sincerity and meticulously noted down every single detail of his research which was preserved in the state library for about (hold your breadth) 100 years!! Yes my fellow researchers it was exactly 100 years befre Mendel's work was rediscovered by the then popular genetisits Hugo De Vries, Carl Corren and Tshemark .
Medel's research revolutioned the world about 100 years after his death he was crowned father of genetics and every single law we have in inheritance is based on his extensive reasearch.
All of us are working in very unique areas of research which have never been explored before, in a way we trying to create a break through with our work and it can be intimidating, and disheartening somtimes when you hit a low point and feel like giving up just remember the story of Mendel and power of research .
Great things are bound to happen to those who persevere!