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Thursday, June 9, 2011

'Thai' (Amma) Dinner @ London

London !! A City that NEVER sleeps!!

The day I landed in London I was completely dazed out due to a combination of sleep deprivation, fatigue and jet lag, but that dint stop me from having a great time :)

A chill drizzly grey evening turned visually delightful as we chose to dine at a Thai restaurant.

I could'nt get enough of the multicolored sauces!
 An assortment of fried food ...

 The way food is presented is as important as the food itself, I enjoyed the crunchy peanuts shown in the pic above :)

 The crunchy spinach shown above was also well done and got my undivided attention...

The color, the textures, sight and smell.. Mmm Wait where did the taste go ?

Hehe I guess  I was wee to tired to note that all this good looking food tasted quite bland to my tongue,  however I enjoyed sitting with my work team and sipping warm green tea , enjoyed hot thai meals :)  and yapping through the evening ..

Why we love Google!

So today as I logged in and opened the Google page, the words 'GOOGLE' are designed like a guitar :) and that is NOT the BEST PART!!

One might wonder what is so fancy schmancy about this funky Google symbol wait till you try running your cursor over the image :)

1. As you run your cursor over the GOOGLE GUITAR Image , you will notice that the strings turn colorful and if you have your computer's sound system turned on you will hear the music notes of the respective chords!!
2. You can also try clicking the key board symbol and hit random keys on your computer's key board you will listen to music  notes again :) 

Apparently this is Google's way to remember Music genius Les Paul' 96th Birthday, Les Paul (Leister Williams Polsfuss) was a popular Jazz and country musician, song writer and  inventor!  He was a the one who developed the 'Solid Body Electric Guitar' (which eventually paved way to the birth of Rock and roll). Les Paul demised in 2009 at the age of 94 however he continues to inspire millions of people across the world  with his gift ...his music ! :)
Photo courtesy :Wikipedia