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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

This thanksgiving season please don't be that person

1. Who eats super-extra crunchy snacks and speaks loud on your mobile phone in the silent section  of the library, please be considerate of your fellow students cramming for their finals.

2. Who uses sarcasm and painful dark humour as a defence mechanism/when bored/to cope. We get it life is pretty rough... for everyone, so always be kinder than necessary.

3. Who is ill with a super contagious  flu but will take pride in sneezing on the fellow passengers on the metro/flight/bus. :(

4. Who cuts in front of a very long line (at grocery store, airport, metro) at the end of a really long day,  everyone there would have had a long day, just like you.

5. Who loves to hate other cultures, ideologies, personal preferences, just because you don't understand\appreciate something it doesn't mean you have to hate it.

6. Who gives unsolicited advice on really personal topics such as marriage and motherhood to someone who is single and still in school, or academic and career advice to moms on hiatus :-/ Now, that's just mean. Everyone has a different purpose and calling in life that might not align with yours.

7. Who always shares more criticism than compliments, but when you do compliment mean it with all your heart or don't say anything.

8. Who is fanatic about something - anything that would cause pain and distress to fellow human beings. Exhale only love!

9. Who shares hate messages, insensitive jokes and trolls the internet for arguments - 'think before u post' is the new 'think before you talk', your digital footprint is permanent, leave a lasting good impression.

10. Who sends random game requests, event invites, spam-like mail and signature petitions- *hint* if I live 5000 miles away from you chances are I would not be able to make it to you cat's birthday bash! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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