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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hello again!

I have been on a long hiatus, but now that I am officially done with school, I am planning to break the hiatus and begin food blogging again! I have lots of recipes, photographs and adventures to share. Living in DC is like a beautiful dream, it's a quaint, idyllic and, scenic (if you travel away from the city traffic that is) I am thankful that I have the opportunity to live, study and work in DC... but I have to admit here that it leaves a massive dent on your savings account. Rent alone costs an arm and leg, and if you can pay rent and still afford food you have everything my friend.

One of the best ways to mitigate the expense of living in DC is to cook your meals and cut down the cost of eating out  regularly. Now, I know it will be tough to balance school, work/internships and  come home and cook dinner, the trick is to go the simple route and stick to minimalistic recipes. I personally like recipes that don't need a new list of ingredients but that can be prepared with the things you can find in your pantry. Don't waste your life's savings on groceries, stock up on seasonal produce, spices, and other basics. Even if the only grocery stores found near your are Whole foods and Trader Joes, you can shop smart without going broke. Look for locally sourced seasonal produce to help you cut down your grocery bill. I never miss an opportunity to visit farmer's markets whenever I can, I personally like the one at foggy bottom, it's the closest one to me. I will create a separate post about  farmers market and share pictures as well :) I will also share some new tips and tricks I learned over the past 2 years and much requested India vegan and vegetarian recipes. For now,  Adios Amigos! :) I will see you soon with new post, meanwhile feel free to comment and share what new or classic recipes you would like to see in the blog! Happy weekend!

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